The Hagen-Kavanagh School is directed by Jean Hagen Duffy, A.D.C.R.G. and Tara Kavanagh Ryan, T.C.R.G. which means they are certified adjudicators/teachers by Comhdhail na Muinteoiri le Rinci Gaelacha Teoranta in Ireland.
HK belongs to the USA Irish Dance Alliance which offers our students the chance to compete, perform, and be assessed in their technical dance skills. There are opportunities for competitive and non-competitive students alike.
Both Jean and Tara have their Master’s Degree in Elementary Education and over 20 years of experience working with children. Since the school opened in 1999, the school has produced many Regional and National champions and several World medal holders. The students have performed in a multitude of local shows, including donating their time and talents to charitable organizations.
Here at the Hagen-Kavanagh School, not only is Irish step dancing learned, friendship and team spirit is stressed as well. Students are very supportive and respectful of one another. The dancers work hard and are challenged to do their best not only by their instructors, but also by their classmates. All of us at the H-K School are dedicated to preserving and expanding the beautiful art form and wonderful tradition of Irish dance.